Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Bridge to Tirana?

We almost got lost, almost missed this bridge, the main thourghfare to Tirana , capital of Albania. Probably built to support hourse and cart (of which there's many) it now supports a steady stream of BMWs. Which brings me to the question of the day "Where's all the money coming from?" [NB answers so far Albanian diasporia, European Aid, Mafia.]

Tirana itself is like one big construction site. Brightly painted , completed, buildings sit side by side with dug up fields; bright new tarmac suddenly becomes something less than a gravel road and now it's clear why the lonely planet recomends a carrying a torchlight at night to spot lurking potholes.

Anyways, in the land of blood fueds and corruption it's derfinately the traffic you gota watch! P.S Am staying with a friend of a friend "Dorian" and planning on heading South probably ending up in Corfu, Greece.


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