Friday, October 19, 2007

Google slip

It's funny how search engines (Google news) sometimes make strangely honest and inappropriate connections. It's a kind of Freudian slip for computers I guess. In this one Google has decided that the top "business" story at the moment is a drugs bust. Either the search engine has become very cynical (and subversive) or there are a lot of "business people" interested in this drugs bust.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wellington for summer

I know I haven't posted in ages but there just hasn't been anything to post. ..... until yesterday! I found out I've got a job in Wellington (my favorite nz city) over summer (tho not finalised yet).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Undie 500

As I understand town's been a bit busy down in Dunedin recently with all the undie 500 contestants. (No, riots this year I hope). Anyway, my flattie's van won "best dressed car". The thing on the roof has a 15000 volt supply and makes very big sparks and crackling sounds!! Also a lot of humorous lessons in political in-correction (which I'll post on Facebook) that I'm sure would have never flown in Dunedin ..... back in my day (good to see some things change).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well I thought by this time of year I'd be used to how young most of the students are ... But no. On the plus side there very helpful and seem so much better behaved than when I was a student. I broke my bike chain on the way to school the other day and one just emerges from nowhere with some special tool and fixes it for me. Well, back to study, more exams are here already!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

2nd CUFI conference

From the same constituency that brought you Georgie boy here's Christians United for Israel. This is footage from their second conference which recently ended.

There's also a great mini-documentary (10 mins) here

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ah, of course that's the way it should be : Miro

Finally got round to updating software today, which was not as big an effort as I thought it'd be. Big surprise was how cool "Miro" is , very , very. It kinda pulls in video to your computer instead of having to traipse round youtube etc using your web browser. (a bit like google reader but for video and it has playlists). It all seems very obvious once you install it. link

Monday, July 23, 2007

Why is eveything so close to the ground!

Well, interesting w/e , had a debating tournament. So lots and lots of arguing. Unfortunately, I also fell off my bike crossing a wet and slippery foot bridge or I should really say my bike fell over and I stayed on it. As a result I've bruised some thing and can't bend over. EVERYTHING is so , so much harder, putting my socks on is near impossible and I've discovered that everything is far too close to the ground e.g. plugs, milk in the fridge, chairs ...... If I want to sit down I've got to put my hand on my back for support.