Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Talking to officials

2 interesting conversations with officals:

(1) Today , Sarajevo after being taken to the Kontroler's (i.e. the ticket cheaker) english speaking friend conveniently 2 stops down.

Kontroler: Your ticket is not valid
Me: I put the card in the machine, your machine is broken
Kontroler: Not valid, no registration
Me: Why would I buy a ticket and not validate it?
Kontroler: Not valid ticket, you must buy new ticket price 25KM (about 25NZD)
Me: No
Kontroler: Show me passport
Me: No, you take me to the station
Kontroler: See, he is Kontroller (shows me ID), show me passport.
Me: No, you take me to the Police. Policija
Kontroler: Where you going.
Me: Post Office
Kontroller: Ok (and leaves)

Hmmmmm makes me sound tough eh, except actually I think my ticket didn't validate because I put it in the wrong way opps. I'll never kmow whether I was being given a shakedown or just escaped a fine for stupidity by being a pain in the neck!!

(2) A few weeks ago, Albania after me and friend wandered down a beachside path finding a gate and a funny man with a gun lurking in the shadows.

Me: Do you speak english?
Funny man gets friend.
English speaking guard: Yes
Me: Is this a hotel?
Guard: This is the residence of the President of Albania.
Me: ummm ok ( feeling just a bit stupid)


At 4:15 pm, Blogger Rachel said...

You could have always cried to get out of it...


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