Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dick Smith Vs Georgie Boy

Five years on and the Australian, David Hicks is still being held in Guantanamo being denied natural justice (e.g. the right to a fair trial and defense). Sure he's probably not innocent, that's really not the issue. The issue is that Johnie Howard (like Tony Blair) has accepted the treatment of Australian's as second class citizens at Guantanamo(There are no American's held at Guantanamo). This is in spite of Australia's massive support for Bush's war in Iraq. Johnie Howard, what a wimp, he can stand up to the terrorists but not his friends. I guess he just wants to be one of the boys.

Luckily, electronics man Dick Smith is going in to bat, donating 60K to help free Hicks. ( Yea, ok I just wanted to post the cheesy Dick Smith Logo).


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