Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ah, of course that's the way it should be : Miro

Finally got round to updating software today, which was not as big an effort as I thought it'd be. Big surprise was how cool "Miro" is , very , very. It kinda pulls in video to your computer instead of having to traipse round youtube etc using your web browser. (a bit like google reader but for video and it has playlists). It all seems very obvious once you install it. link

Monday, July 23, 2007

Why is eveything so close to the ground!

Well, interesting w/e , had a debating tournament. So lots and lots of arguing. Unfortunately, I also fell off my bike crossing a wet and slippery foot bridge or I should really say my bike fell over and I stayed on it. As a result I've bruised some thing and can't bend over. EVERYTHING is so , so much harder, putting my socks on is near impossible and I've discovered that everything is far too close to the ground e.g. plugs, milk in the fridge, chairs ...... If I want to sit down I've got to put my hand on my back for support.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Ok, I've submitted and got a Facebook profile!

Also managed to pass all my exams (despite a 30% in a terms exam), which is a large relief. If I'd failed I really didn't have an alternative plan. This and the fact that I wasn't really sure if I could get back into studying made for some very anxious times.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Funny , Scarry

Gav sent me this. I checked the quote and it all checks out.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Clickworkers in Politics

One of the often lauded/ lamented aspects of the Internet is it's so called "democratizing effect". Basically, everyone can say whatever they want i.e. "democratic" followed by the lament but then everyone can say whatever offensive rubbish they want.

But the internet does more than simply change the volume of political discourse (humor me) it actually changes how we process information. ..... Ok, I better give an example (here ) . The EFF ( Electronic Freedom Foundation) recently obtained a whole lot of documents (1138) from the FBI using the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). This information needs to be "processed" which really means scoured for relevance i.e. given a particular agenda you look at the information in relation to other technical, legal and political information. So they did the sensible thing, published the information and asked everyone (anyone interested enough) to have a look and report back on what they find. They got 8000 people to do just that.

This all seems very run of the mill until you compare it to the status quo. Which might go something like this: journalist obtains documents; hires a lawyer, techi, and political researcher; given limited knowledge they scour the documents; the result doesn't match the editors idea of a story (or doesn't support his politics) and it's filed away. Yea, I'm a cynic.

The new approach is different because the "positive" effects of the amateurs add but the "negative" effects don't. i.e. the agenda is the sum of the individual goals , the knowledge base is the sum of all their knowledge (i.e. lots of amateurs beats a few professionals) and because their is no organisation (as in institution) in control no one can veto an idea (or story) i.e there is no gatekeeper. Yes, they make more mistakes but the group self corrects (at least on matters of fact), like if you play Chinese whispers but talk openly to everyone.

This kind of approach isn't new to the Internet. It's the basis of open source programming and NASA has even used it to analyse map data, using thousands of "clickworkers". But I guess my point is that this is a radical departure from the present.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I also work

Exams are well and truly over now and like the last ten dollars of a smokers budget the rest of my holidays are also gone.

My main task is sorting my CV and figuring out where I'm going to (can) work for the summer holidays. I want money, experience, contacts, fun, adventure, travel ..... but I'll settle for just one, most likely money.
......So any ideas for work over Nov / Dec / Jan in NZ or Oz just let me know.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Exams over

Well as of last Friday exams are over. Think they went ok but really it all seems a lot more uncertain coming back into the education system. So, I'm off down to Dunedin for the weekend! yah

In other news.... Bush is letting his mates out of jail now?? What's that impeachment thingee can't they kick him out?

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