Thursday, September 14, 2006

Waiting for the post .....

Looking for ways waste time and spend it wisely I bit the bullet and started to learning to touch type. AMAZING, seriously all that premature RSI I used to get has pretty much gone. Very, very strange though every now and then you catch your fingers working when your brain isn't!!

NB. Pic isn't from Bosnia but is my new profile pic.

Also been catching up on politics (really), nz radio (playing lippy brit lady soverign???), waiting for the post, sorting next years plans (prob Auck uni) and of course setting the world to rights over coffee.

In case you haven't seen it this clip is a giggle.


At 4:34 pm, Blogger Rachel said...

if it makes you feel better I am camera-less too, I just realised when I wanted to take some pics of the view. I lend my camera to my uncles for the trip (aren't I nice).

At 4:34 pm, Blogger Rachel said...

Also I am waiting for the post... stupid to have books shipped here when they might not arrive in time.


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