Friday, March 02, 2007

HSBC (The world's local bank ....)

Well here goes a test. I've forgotten my HSBC online banking PIN ... I mean I never use it anymore. So the question is can HSBC (slogan "the world's local bank" or something like that) solve my problem with me in NZ. Note, they do have NZ offices but they're in Auckland.

So far HSBC (NZ) have told me to ring HSBC(UK), i.e no surprises so far.


At 9:24 pm, Blogger Golden Words said...

haha, so much for the local brank, do what i did when i lost my password,
write a cheque to yourself ( other bank )for the entire amount in your HSBC accont.
Problem solved.

At 1:55 am, Blogger Just my opinion said...

HSBC in Wellington when I approached them told me their branches overseas were for corporate banking rather than personal banking, hence why couldnt open a HSBC a/c there before I went to the UK.

Call the dodgy Indian call centre from the UK and see how you go! Crazy but unfortunately you know how shite the UK banking system is! :(

At 8:45 am, Blogger Brassy said...

Ahhhh and they haven't responded so far.


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