Front page of The Press today is
this article on how they (i.e.Fairfax the people who print the Press) ended up paying compensation to a murder. Diddims
Let me get this story straight :
1) Your a leading news media company ... Fairfax
2) You print a story that contains factual errors.
3) You don't have enough journalistic integrity to retract the errors when asked, cos hey it's ok for journalists to lie as long as it's about really bad men who haven't got any money to defend themselves.
4) When turns out they can get legal aid and defend themselves you get all soft and back down.
5)..... and finally the icing on the cake, you abuse your position to whine about how unfair this is on the front page of your own publication "The Press".
It's a pity this bad man is getting any compensation but it wouldn't have happened if Fairfax had any integrity to begin with.
I especially love they way they quote themselves in the third person, no shame.