Monday, April 16, 2007

Everyone's ok ... now on to the wedding

Johny's bachelor party went uncannily well, despite all the potential for things to go wrong everything went well!! We started the day with paintball , leading to a lot of bruising and stiff legs but nothing broken. Had a meal at Eureka and finished off with the traditional, dressing the groom up like an idiot (in this case a sailor) and giving him a list of tasks.

The only point of contention the groom's initial inability to understand the nature of his predicament. First of all trying to tone his costume down and then trying to "re-negotiate" his tasks.

So, now just the wedding to go...


At 5:58 pm, Blogger queenstown-photographer said...

what happened to the strippers?!

At 10:10 am, Blogger Brassy said...

yea, sorry si! I know it's traditional and all!


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