Thursday, May 31, 2007

Eating whales

I know it's treasonous to ask these questions .... but why can't the Japanese have a whaling quota? I mean if quotas are ok for fish why not whales? If a species is endangered set the quota to zero otherwise it's ok, surely. But as I said these are treasonous questions and I'm sure there's an answer other than "whales are an environmental mascot"? ...surely

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Finally got an MP3 player

Increasingly I'm finding that (contrary to the proverb) cheap electrical stuff works just fine. Brought the above (512MB mp3 player) off trademe for 21NZD (thats right 8GBP) instead of the 70 NZD you pay in a shop, I know I'm showing off.

Of course it is a no brand, made to look like an apple product, imported from who knows where and came with a virus but, it works and the virus only afIfects windows computers, so happy days.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

.... study...

I said I'd never accidentally turn up for class early, but here I am, go figure.

End lectures are drawing close and I am struggling with my econometrics class. So I've kinda begun study early.

Also, am trying to figure out how to study better and apparently drinking 3 cups of coffee in the morning is not helpfull .... So, now I'm only drinking one!! I know sacrifices, huh? It better pay off.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What do ya reckon, improvement?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

.... maybe moving next year again

Well just like that I'm all better and I've realised that the end term is less than 4 weeks away. So busy, busy!! Am now 80% sure I'm going to move to a new University (prob Auckland) next year. Yahh (arghhh) moving again.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Feeling sketchy

It's that time of year again the dreaded lurgy is doing the rounds. As always when a student the chance of getting sick seems to spike just after holidays when assignments are due and test are on. But all this I can deal with so long as I've got some medication, so off to the pharmacy.

It's about this point I realise that p fiends have changed NZ a bit and buying decongestants is generally considered a suspect behaviour. It's about this time I reconsider my appearance trackies, two days of stubble, sweating and vague hmmmm I'm starting to feel like a teenager off to buy underage liquor. So I decide to do a bit of grocery shopping first cos what kinda p fiend has money or desire for food?

.... well the pharmacist didn't seem to concerned with supplying the necessaries, tho I did have to show ID. Actually the biggest problem was that it cost $20!! (when did that happen?) . Seems like the best way to stop p really just bump up the price of cold and flu!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Free speech in NZ

In the US your not allowed to publish these numbers O9 f9 11 O2 9d 74 e3 5b d8 41 56 c5 63 56 88 cO because of some very stupid law, the DMCA. The law means that the people who make DVD's also get to control what you play it on (i.e. not on my computer) and if you do know how to make a DVD play on another device you can't talk about it.

Luckily in NZ we don't have this law yet but the govt is trying to change that with the
Copyright (New Technologies and Performers' Rights) Amendment Bill .

Early to class ( I know it won't happen again)

Canterbury Uni has a ridiculous 3 week holiday at Easter, good for family weddings but leaving you with this sinking feeling that lecturers have already started and your week behind.... Well that's my excuse anyway for turning up an early to class and getting wet for the effort.

.... in other news Dell computers is going to start offering Ubuntu (a Linux desktop operating system) on their computers, so no one will be forced to use Vista. Isn't that nice!!