Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Feeling sketchy

It's that time of year again the dreaded lurgy is doing the rounds. As always when a student the chance of getting sick seems to spike just after holidays when assignments are due and test are on. But all this I can deal with so long as I've got some medication, so off to the pharmacy.

It's about this point I realise that p fiends have changed NZ a bit and buying decongestants is generally considered a suspect behaviour. It's about this time I reconsider my appearance trackies, two days of stubble, sweating and vague hmmmm I'm starting to feel like a teenager off to buy underage liquor. So I decide to do a bit of grocery shopping first cos what kinda p fiend has money or desire for food?

.... well the pharmacist didn't seem to concerned with supplying the necessaries, tho I did have to show ID. Actually the biggest problem was that it cost $20!! (when did that happen?) . Seems like the best way to stop p really just bump up the price of cold and flu!


At 9:57 am, Blogger Rachel said...

what is"p"?

At 2:17 pm, Blogger Brassy said...

Crystal meth. They make it from cold and flu medicine. Hope your thesis is coming a long well!

At 10:41 pm, Blogger Just my opinion said...

Bloody hell, $20 for flu medicine? What is going on there!

There has been a lot of publicity about the P problem eh mate. Sheesh whatever happened to a cheeky joint on a weekend? :)


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