Friday, September 22, 2006

Krakow it's nice!

It was good to leave Budapest, something about the shopkeepers there, they don't trust anyone and everyone is looking to making sure no-one gets anything for free or at least make sure they get a margin. The least hospitable commerce of any place. But they've got nice very nice thermal pools, which I enjoyed while waiting for my train to Krakow.

Have just arrived in Krakow this morning. First impressions are very good, it's reasonably cheap but unlike many places is also clean, professional and offers a lot of choice in all purchases i.e. easy to relax .

Of course after too many weeks in Balkens I'm looking foward to the famed nightlife in Krakow. The local poison is of course wodka (yes vodka), often flavoured and fast gaining a reputation to rival Scandinavian and Russian brands.... of course we know where the best vodka comes from.


At 3:25 am, Blogger Just my opinion said...

Thats bad luck that you had no fun with the Hungarians. I found them to be as polite as the Czechs, but not as polite at the Austrians!


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