Friday, March 30, 2007

How economists think.

You can always tell something about how people think by the stories they use as examples. These two are from my economics H/W:

" Beatrice Webb like her income but she also loves her husband, Sydney. Even more however, she like equality."


" Vito Corleone has $400, 000 to spend on politicians, judges and racehorses ....."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ribena (GSK) sort it out!

I'm not sure whats more shameful , that GSK (marketing) willfully mislead the public OR (as GSK claim) they "thought" there was claimed amount of vitamin C in Ribena. I mean this is GSK a multi-national drugs manufacturer and they apparently don't have processes in place to ensure they can measure stuff right.

Also, guys .... if your going to pull down your website then pull it all down especially the offending claims!!!

Mind you I do have some sympathy, I remember (from when I was working) marketing departments have this unhealthy optimism. Along the lines of " What do you mean it's not true? or Surely thats not illegal? Where's your company spirit? ". They take everything they can use , quote it out of context and then simply don't hear any evidence to the contrary ..... well until it goes to court, but hey that's legals problem.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Punter power!

This guy in the U.S wants Barack Obama to become next U.S President (hey me too). But unlike me he takes some footage from an Apple advert and puts it together into an anti-Hillary Clinton video and posts it on Youtube. The point being that you gota love the way the Internet allows one clever cookie and millions of punters to subvert the way things have always been done!

(Note I avoided a gushy rant about the democratic virtues of the Internet)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Two great pubs

It seems that not only me but also three of my old flatties from Acton (The Vale actually, lol), are living in Christchurch. Caught up with them at the Dux on Friday and reminisced about another great pub (below) from back in Acton.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Summers over...

Suddenly the sky is dark, the lighting flashes, thunders makes that riping sound it does when it's real close and .... hail . Yes, the first hail I think I've seen in 3 years (only snows in London, nice ah). So, I guess summers over that and the end of Day light savings (or is it start). Oh, well at least winters not so dark here in NZ.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I spell it "catalogue" no red line please

Ok, America has logical spelling, we've got metric, they've got spelling . Fine, but I get so annoyed when software tells me I've spelt "catalogue" wrong. I mean I'm not a good speller at the best of times, when I get a word like "catalogue" right first time it should congratulate me (imagine -- ding, ding, nice spelling! --) not put a little red line underneath it. And all this in spite of adding the NZ, Aussie and UK dictionaries!

This is an ongoing problem with all software! I guess what I can't work out is whether it's ignorance , callous disregard on behalf of the developers or a conspiracy by the printers of the Miriam- Webster Dictionary!!

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Friday, March 09, 2007

.....and they solved my problem!

Well it turns out that HSBC was willing to reset my security number over the phone!! which is great, but a little disconcerting. The information they ask for just wouldn't be that hard to get. But problem solved...... Now if only the NZ dollar would fall, all would be well.

Friday, March 02, 2007

HSBC (The world's local bank ....)

Well here goes a test. I've forgotten my HSBC online banking PIN ... I mean I never use it anymore. So the question is can HSBC (slogan "the world's local bank" or something like that) solve my problem with me in NZ. Note, they do have NZ offices but they're in Auckland.

So far HSBC (NZ) have told me to ring HSBC(UK), i.e no surprises so far.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's not what it looks like

No, no. I know it looks like gardening but really I've just inherited it from the landlord and have chosen to water the yummy plants i.e. tomatoes, corn, peppers and strawberries. I'm lulling them into a false sense of security before I eat them. I am a little worried about the birds getting to the tomatoes but am doing my best to encourage the neighborhood cat to stick around.
